kata shooting range
Gun Kata
May 29, 2017 – 02:27 pm

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Anime & Manga
In (2004), the titular Action Girl uses Gun Kata-like technique in the final episode during the Church Shootout. Although she not so much dodges bullets, as is unaffected by them... In most of her fights, it's not so much a kata as it is a dance - with the dance steps somehow taking her where the bullets aren't. She does this with her eyes closed. Rushuna Tendou in (2004) uses the close-combat form of Gun Kata during the with her Evil Twin Setsuna Oomido. The distance variant was used throughout the series to allow her to reload and shoot while spinning in place, as she had a very interesting style of reloading weapons amid combat. The Extendeds (Stellar, Sting, and Auel) gun down dozens of Coordinators guarding the Armory One in the first episode of (2005), while assuming one Ass Kicking Pose after another. Father Tres Iquis' infamous scene in episode 2 ("Witch Hunt") of (2005) almost exactly emulates the opening shoot-out in Equilibrium. This comes complete with gun flare lighting and Bloodstained Glass Windows, although it may be Justified in that Father Tres is an android. Mami Tomoe, from, fights using magically-generated matchlock muskets, using a combat style reminiscent of Gun Kata. Her duel with Homura in invokes this trope heavily, as Homura manages to fight on even footing with her using a pistol. Revy and Mr. Chang's gunplay style in (2006) is very similar to the Gun Kata, although they apparently do aim their guns. Harima (Guns Akimbo, no less) and Hanai engage in a in the second season of (2006), with each of their pistols firing on full automatic. This is probably due to special effects added in later by Akira, since they were supposed to be armed only with BB guns. In the final episode of, Vash and the Big Bad added an interesting element in their Revolver Kata. At several points they would attempt to stop the other from firing, by holding the revolver cylinder so it could not spin. Similarly they both forced the other's gun to snap open, causing the bullets to fall out of the chambers. This was only after the Wave Motion Gun segment of the fight. The fight consists of gun kata stylizing. Pulling a trigger on a gun across the room using a string, throwing several rounds at your opponent and then shooting them to make them explode, and after they emptied each other's chambers of all but one quickly-reloaded bullet, the most HARDCORE game of Russian Roulette ever. Briareos does this all the time in — a vast improvement in coolness since the first movie. And for bonus points it was produced by none other than John Woo, making this his first use of Gun Kata. In the second season of, Lockon uses a technique very similar to Gun Kata for his Guns Akimbo-slinging Humongous Mecha. In, he does this in conjunction with dozens of Attack Drones for all-out Beam Spamming mayhem. Justified in that the Humongous Mecha is not only likely to possess the auto-targeting systems to allow for this, including targeting sensors mounted on the guns themselves, but is also co-piloted by a state-of-the-art A.I. which has been explicitly shown to take partial or total control of the Gundam's systems while the pilot concentrates on one task. Mana Tatsumiya of has been seen using Gun Kata from time to time. Spike from uses Gun Kata when fighting his nemesis Vicious, most evident in the finale where he parries Vicious's sword with his gun. In the OAV series, the eponymous Super Robot uses this technique. (Along with a healthy dose of Gun Fu) It even acknowledges it by striking a pose directly from before absolutely slaughtering Kiba's men. . , episode 6 features a brief scene wherein Panty gets into a Guns Akimbo gun kata duel with Scanty, her evil counterpart. The Butei in utilize Gun Kata as a martial art called "Arukata", in which they use the premise that both combatants are wearing bulletproof vests. In episode 8 of, Sugata and Mikako have a gun kata fight with cork guns. They run out of ammo and switch to hand-to-hand combat. Zombina from is a student who could care much less about the "avoid getting shot" part, for fairly obvious reasons. While Chris Yukine from mostly specializes in dakka and missiles, we get to see her doing some guns akimbo Gun Kata action in the second season, G. Hilariously lampshaded in the OVA omake that takes place between S1 and G, where Gen juro lends her a DVD of Equilibrium, and she immediately gets hyped to learn how use guns in CQC like in the movie. Death the Kid from uses a fictional form of gun kata called the Stance of Sin. Kid carries his pistols with a Reverse Grip (using his pinkies to pull the triggers) and uses the pistols like tonfas to club and shoot simultaneously.
Source: tvtropes.org
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